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As majority of you are aware, I just spent a few nights in Prague. It’s been on my bucket list for a while now and it’s safe to say, it did not disappoint.

I always love the feeling of ticking something off my bucket list. I feel accomplished, like I’m moving in the right direction and honouring my desires which is very important for my design as a human being on this wonderful planet of ours.

Being in a new space just makes me happy. No usual day to day duties, just the opportunity to do what I wanna do, when I wanna do it. It feels like LIVING, rather than being in the rat race. This is how life should be. Unfortunately many of us do not have the luxury to just jet off anytime we feel like it. Times are changing though, I definitely feel like our predecessors were a lot more focused on work and creating a family than the current generation. There is no right or wrong way to do life. All I know is that, for me, I’m not very interested in purchasing a home, or settling down and creating a family right now.

My soul yearns for adventure.

I have always been open about discussing my periods of depression with you all. The last few years have really authenticated that this stems from me not being able to live the day-to-day life that I desire. I enjoy working when it’s aligned to my values. Whether that be helping people via coaching, or simply being creative and providing insights to my readers. I’ve been told numerous times that my thoughts inspire you and gives you something you can relate to; that recognition really fills me with contentment.

9-5 life isn’t for me.

I am currently trying to build the foundations of my most desired way of living. From my experience, there's no time limit on the discovery of ones desires. This can come to any and everyone at any period of their life. Some people enjoy the routine and stability of the 9-5 life. I enjoy the steady income but I struggle with the inflexibility of it all. I want to be able to work wherever and whenever I want. No restrictions, just me intuitively doing whatever it is I am called to do at that time. It’s the inflexibility that stirs up my depression. I’m not feeding the things that make me feel fulfilled because I have so many restrictions and responsibilities.

Anytime I travel, this theory is exemplified.

Often times my life feels like a game of chess. My strategy sometimes leads me to have the upper-hand, other times life comes in and throws a complete spanner in the works and my ‘King’ is at risk. If there’s anything I’m learning right now, it’s not to get flappy in the moment. To keep the end game in sight whilst doing the best I can in the present. I don’t want to rush my life, I want to enjoy it all. Every heartbreak, every lesson, every loss; it all plays a role in reaching where it is I want to be. I previously wanted to rush everything and on occasion I still do. But that present moment, nothing is more precious.

I may not be where I want to be now, but I will get there.

Prague is filled with fantastic food, amazing architecture, and pools of possibilities. Most places are but we become so accustomed to our environments that we forget to see the beauty on our door steps. I loved my time in Prague but coming home made me feel grateful. I love this life of mine and a break is needed when we become tunnel visioned. It helps expand our perspective. To see the things we see every day, in a new light. I will always love the UK, it’s my home but I am very much looking forward to travelling in the next year or so.

Travelling expands my mind and helps me grow.

I love indulging in new cultures, meeting new people, and just experiencing NEW. It gives me the space to clear away what I know, and embrace something different. Travelling shows me there is so much more to life than what I know. We are forever learners and being in different environments, removes our blinders; expanding our horizons. It opens up our minds and hearts, allowing new data to flow in. Shaking and stirring us up. Me and my girl needed that switch up. We’re very similar in that manner. Both of us getting away helped navigate where it is that we want to be. Also authenticating that the company you keep is detrimental to your growth. You need to spend time with people who understand your vision, and this isn’t easy. Sometimes we have to let people go to make room for the people who are more aligned to where it is we want to be. I’m not saying search for these people, I believe they will come to you when you are moving in alignment with your highest-self.

My neck hurts.

& for once it’s not from giving that sloppy top. I was enchanted by the architecture in Prague, even repetitively walking down the same streets, there was always something new to see and I fuxking love that. Locals had no doubt that I was a tourist, my head was looking up 80% of the time, observing the buildings and the statues, there was just so much to see. The details were exquisite to say the least. So much history, so much to learn, it made my being feel light. Like I could be blown away by the river breeze in a swift second. That’s a feeling I will never grow tired of. My anxiety was still present at some points of the trip, mainly due to sleep deprivation or hangovers but either way, practicing my gratitude for the moments helped me stay grounded.

Unlock my cage.

I have a new lease of motivation to make my desires come into fruition. That taste of ‘new’, is something I want to experience on a regular basis. To immerse myself in other cultures, meet the people and try the tings. That’s what Czech Mate looks like for me. Thats what winning looks like for me. Not answering to anyone but the inner voice that speaks so softly but screams at me when the times right. I think a lot of us put our true desires on the back bench and forget about them. I understand amending the present because of situations that pop up. I just hope you don’t get lost on the re-route and get yourself back on the right path, again.

All too often we feed ourselves with excuses, reasons as to why we can’t do the things we please. Rather than finding the reasons why we CAN. The 'can' is all that matters in this life of ours, and ultimately it’s a short life we live. Better to fill it with the things that feed our souls than the things our brains have tricked us into believing we should be doing.

The souls ‘should’ is the only one that matters.

My soul says you should invest in my NO LIMITS plan - if any part of you is feeling called to, obviously. You'll have the opportunity to delve into the naughtiness of Prague, and the sexy realisations I had during my adventures there. From passing strangers in the streets, to private dancers in the strip club. There is ALWAYS something new to learn from any and all experiences. My paid subs get more emails with further depth into my mischievous ways, a more personal way of knowing me.

For my OG’s on the paid plan, you’ll get the sauce real soon.

Until next time, lovers

SIS xox

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