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Some of us struggle to take responsibility, we like to blame outside sources for our misfortunes, whether it be the Universe, the shitty friend or the ex that is causing us drama. We just love to place blame because then it isn’t our responsibility to fix what went wrong.

Life isn’t going to be amazing all of the time and if it was, it wouldn’t be amazing. Our problems and how we solve them are what creates purpose in our lives and we can’t solve something if we don’t make the conscious effort to own it! By all means there are situations that are out of our control but what we can control is our perception of the situation and how we choose to deal with it.

A victim mentality will leave you straggling behind.

Responsibility used to scare the shit out of me. The thought of having to grow up and be in charge of things was just long. Time management, finances, relationships. In our youth, our parents take a lot of that responsibility so when adulthood hits; it hits hard. I am lucky to have grown up in a household that taught me responsibility from a young age and the consequences that come when we don’t follow through with our commitments. Nevertheless, the whole idea of it was still very very long.


When we refuse to acknowledge our power in situations, we instantly feel as if life is doing us dirty. We refuse to see the opportunities and decide to wallow in self-pity instead. This is not an effective way to make your life better. I have been rejected from instances that I truly believed I wanted, only for something bigger and better to come my way. I really do believe everything happens for a reason. Let me give you some typical Shannon examples…

Three years ago I was a few years deep into a marketing role which I adored. It was actually where my marketing career started. I bossed that shit, I had 2 promotions within 2 years, had colleagues I loved and who adored me. The money was great and I could see myself progressing there long term. All of a sudden there were some major structural changes. My boss who I admired was made redundant, the team was restructured and we had 2 new bosses welcomed to the team. Throughout this transition, I began to loose the love for my job, the work was inconsistent and messy, there was just a huge lack of direction. I wanted to make my working days better so when my 1-2-1 was booked in with my new boss, I made a list of all of the things I wanted to improve and was raring to get started and hear his input.

Little did I know, when I walked into my 1-2-1 it was actually a meeting explaining how I was being made redundant; cheeky bastards. Me being in my early twenties left that meeting feeling like I had just been jumped by a group of thugs. I didn’t understand a word the HR lady bitch was saying and it was a huge shock to my system. I had a loan on my car at the time, I had commitments that involved being financially stable and life just felt unfair. I worked my ass off for that company but before the redundancy happened, I felt I really needed a break. After the initial shock of no longer having a job, I realised that this was the perfect opportunity to take a rest and really evaluate what direction I wanted to go in. I spent 3 months practicing yoga, creating art and doing things for me whilst looking for a new job.

After a few interviews I received the opportunity to be in the role that I am in now. I earn a lot more than I did in my previous job, I have more freedom with my days and enough time to create my magic - doing side projects in-between working. Don’t get me wrong, this job is not what I want to be doing for the rest of my life but it has enabled me to be open minded about direction, whilst providing the finances and flexibility to start building the life of my dreams.


It’s not just about jobs but relationships too. I have a strict rule about not getting back with ex boyfriends, I’ve been there, done that and it didn’t work out so why would I return? Sometimes we have to break our personal rules to remind ourselves of why they are there in the first place. My ex who I truly believed I could build a future with (the second time around) left me after I posted a body empowerment video on instagram. It was harmless, I wasn’t being seductive and even if I was, a bitch is sexy and I embrace my sexuality, he knew that. Anyway, my ex called me embarrassing and said he couldn’t respect me if that’s how I wanted to ‘move’. Even though my whole bloody profile is about empowering people, embracing sensuality and so on. I’m glad he left me because the cog wheels started to turn and I realised this insecure dude was NOT the man for me.

I vowed to stop trying to find love and focus on my future instead. I’ve had some dick ups since then, becoming emotionally involved with people who aren’t available and having to deal with the emotional turbulence that followed. I love to repeat a pattern until the Universe breaks me. You know, just to be sure! But again, this has just lead me straight back to my purpose and my purpose is to empower others. I can only do this if I empower myself!

When embarking on your journeys please stop and smell the roses. Remove the mist that misleads you into thinking you can’t have what you want because other forces are preventing you from having it. It may be true but if you really want something you will find a way to make iSt happen. If you are persistent and still don’t get what you want, the Universe will re-align you to something better. You just have to own your shit and not be afraid to put the work in.

A lot of the problems we have can be solved once we step out of our conditioned mind-frames and decide to see the world in a different light. I personally fuck up on many occasions and give in to temptations that don’t serve my highest good. We are human, we are allowed to make mistakes but see the lessons as they are, through a clear mind without lower vibrational desires attempting to control the situation. The lesson I have learnt lately is that in order to achieve greatness I must sacrifice temporary pleasures for long term fulfilment. When life seems like its falling apart, it is more than likely falling together.

LIFE HAPPENS FOR YOU. You just need to be able to recognise the blessings when they come.

God bless my loves,

SIS xox

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